Musée du Louvre Editions

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L'Odalisque brune

L'Odalisque brune

François Boucher

Guillaume Faroult
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Un peintre visionnaire 1733 - 1808

Sous la direction de Guillaume Faroult, avec la...
Contributions de  Joseph Baillio, Larissa Bardovskaya, Jean-Marie Bruson, Sarah Catala, Ekaterina Deriabina, Virginie...

American Encounters IV

American Encounters IV

The simple pleasures of still life

Sous la direction de Stephanie Mayer Heydt.
This book is the fourth in a series published to accompany a sequence of four special exhibitions co-organized by...

American Encounters II

American Encounters II

Les travaux et les jours : aux sources de la peinture...

The Louvre is continuing to showcase American art through its partnership with the Crystal Bridges Museum of American...
Thomas Cole

Thomas Cole

La Croix dans la contrée sauvage

Guillaume Faroult
At the Louvre since 1975, the Thomas Cole (1801-1848) painting The Cross in the Wilderness marks the culmination of his...