Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Building the Louvre

Building the Louvre

A Richly Illustrated History

Guillaume Fonkenell. Reconstitution en 3D par Hubert...
Histoire du Louvre

Histoire du Louvre

Sous la direction de Geneviève Bresc-Bautier, Guillaume...

The Ceiling

The Ceiling

Un plafond pour le Louvre

Sous la direction de Marie-Laure Bernadac.
An immense blue sky, dotted with floating spheres and inscribed with the names of illustrious Greek sculptors, now...
François Morellet

François Morellet

L'esprit d'escalier

Sous la direction de Marie-Laure Bernadac
To decorate the Lefuel staircase in the Richelieu wing, the Louvre commissioned a window installation from...

Le Louvre pendant la guerre

Le Louvre pendant la guerre

Collective work
This book tells the story of the Musée du Louvre during World War II. It is richly illustrated with many...