Musée du Louvre Editions

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La France romane au temps des premiers Capétiens (987-1152)

La France romane au temps des premiers Capétiens (987-1152)

Collective work
France certainly has the richest Romanesque heritage in Europe. Far from the negative images of the monolithic and...

L’Art roman au Louvre

L’Art roman au Louvre

Collective work
Romanesque art is brilliantly represented at the Musée du Louvre, home to a large share of the most remarkable...
Chronologie du Moyen Âge

Chronologie du Moyen Âge

Collective work
Illustrated with more than 200 photographs, this three-part chronology provides a panorama of works at the museum and...

Le trésor de Conques

Le trésor de Conques

Collective work
Located on one of the Way of St. James pilgrimage routes, the Conques abbey in Aveyron is home to a thousand-year-old...
La Statuette équestre de Charlemagne

La Statuette équestre de Charlemagne

Danielle Gaborit-Chopin
A remarkable masterpiece of the Department of Decorative Arts, the equestrian statuette said to be of Charlemagne is a...

L’Œuvre de Limoges

L’Œuvre de Limoges

Art et histoire au temps des Plantagenêts

Collective work
This book aims to place the flourishing of enamel-work from Limousin within its historical and artistic context, and...
Les matériaux de l’art

Les matériaux de l’art

À propos des arts précieux du Moyen Âge

Collective work
The materials and form of a work of art are often inseparable. The connection is made apparent by decorative artists...