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Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse

Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse

Rivalités à Venise

Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Jean Habert et...
The exhibition Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and the accompanying publication retrace the evolution of Venetian painting...
Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse - Album

Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse - Album

Rivalités à Venise

Sous la direction de Vincent Delieuvin et de Jean Habert
This generously illustrated work is just what the visitor needs: a quick and effective introduction to the exhibition...

Mantegna (Album)

Mantegna (Album)

Arturo Galansino
Capturing the true essence of the Mantegna exhibition, this abundantly illustrated book is a quick and efficient tool...