Musée du Louvre Editions

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Chypre, entre Byzance et l'Occident

Chypre, entre Byzance et l'Occident

IVe - XVIe siècle

Sous la direction de Jannic Durand et Dorota Giovannoni.
Sainte Russie

Sainte Russie

Russian art from the beginnings to Peter the Great

Sous la direction de Jannic Durand, Dorota Giovannoni et...
This book retraces 1,000 years of Russian history from its Christianization in the late 10th century to the reign of...

Sainte Russie - Album

Sainte Russie - Album

L'art russe des origines à Pierre le Grand

Sous la direction de Fabrice Douar, Jannic Durand, Dorota...
A condensed version of the exhibition, this beautifully illustrated book is the ideal source for quick and effective...
Armenia Sacra

Armenia Sacra

Mémoire chrétienne des Arméniens (IVe-XVIIIe siècle)

Collective work
For the Year of Armenia in France, this luxurious catalogue takes an exhaustive look at the history of Armenian...

Le trésor de la Sainte-Chapelle

Le trésor de la Sainte-Chapelle

Dorota Giovannoni
The Sainte-Chapelle, built by Saint Louis in the mid-13th century, housed until the 18th century the most remarkable...