Musée du Louvre Editions

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Princes et princesses du Louvre

Princes et princesses du Louvre

Frédéric Morvan, Louise Heugel
What if the princes and princesses, so often represented in history by artists, could speak and tell us their own...
Ali Baba

Ali Baba

Rachel Beaujean-Deschamps
Ali Baba lived a very modest life until the day he discovered the secret of the forty thieves: a cave filled with gold...

L’Arche de Noé

L’Arche de Noé

Céline Monier
Before destroying the world with a flood, God had Noah build an ark to save his family and a pair of each kind of...
Quatre Amis

Quatre Amis

Rachel Beaujean-Deschamps
Lion, the king of animals, summoned all of his subjects to resolve the conflict between Phoenix and Dragon. To show...

Roland à Roncevaux

Roland à Roncevaux

Charlotte Censoir
King Charlemagne was a great conqueror. Two courageous knights accompanied him in his fight against the Saracens:...
La boîte de Pandore

La boîte de Pandore

Viviane Koenig
Prometheus stole the sacred fire to give it to mortal man. To seek his revenge, Zeus created Pandora, a marvelous...

Un prince égyptien

Un prince égyptien

Viviane Koenig
One day, the gods gave the king and queen of Egypt the son they had long been awaiting… Shortly after his birth,...