Musée du Louvre Editions

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D'Izmir à Smirne

D'Izmir à Smirne

Découverte d'une cité antique

Sous la direction de Jean-Luc Martinez, Ludovic Laugier,...
Smyrna - modern Izmir - was one of the most dazzling cities on the Ionian coast during the Hellenistic period. A...
Au cœur de La Joconde

Au cœur de La Joconde

Léonard de Vinci décodé

Collective work
We never seem to tire of gazing at the Mona Lisa, which has become the most famous painting in the world. Plans to move...

Retables brabançons des XVe et XVIe siècles

Retables brabançons des XVe et XVIe siècles

Collective work
The duchy of Brabant, in the Low Countries, enjoyed a flourish of artistic activity during the late Middle Ages. The...