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Histoire de l’histoire de l’art

Histoire de l’histoire de l’art

Tome II : XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

Collective work
Artistic literature stems from a long and incredibly rich tradition. Art history as an academic discipline, founded in...
Pierre Mignard « le Romain »

Pierre Mignard « le Romain »

Collective work
La Vie de Pierre Mignard, premier peintre du Roy by the abbot of Monville (1730) was the first book on a French painter...

Histoire de l’histoire de l’art

Histoire de l’histoire de l’art

Tome I : de l’Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle

Collective work
Artistic literature stems from a long and incredibly rich tradition. Art history as an academic discipline, founded in...
Les « Vies » d’artistes

Les « Vies » d’artistes

Collective work
Biographical notes, legendary and historical stories, painted, sculpted and filmed images, the “Lives” of...

Les musées en Europe à la veille de l’ouverture du Louvre

Les musées en Europe à la veille de l’ouverture du Louvre

Collective work
The National Museum was created in the Louvre palace on 18 November 1793. The 200th anniversary of this event was an...
David contre David

David contre David

Collective work
Interpreting the work of Jacques-Louis David always gives rise to great controversy and consequently takes us to the...



Die Geburt der Kunstgeschichte im Zeitalter der Aufklärung

Collective work
Johann Joachim Winckelmann was admired by all those during the second half of the Enlightenment who pondered over a...