Musée du Louvre Editions

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Le Génie de Vinci

Le Génie de Vinci

Patrick Jusseaux. illustré par Jame's Prunier
Sur les traces de Napoléon

Sur les traces de Napoléon

Jean-Michel Dequeker-Fergon
“Abukir’s victory wiped away all of our setbacks in one clean sweep, and Kleber embraced Bonaparte as he...

Sur les traces de Léonard de Vinci

Sur les traces de Léonard de Vinci

Patrick Jusseaux
“The day came for the painting to be presented to the patrons. And oh, what astonishment! Before the priors,...
Petites histoires du Grand Louvre

Petites histoires du Grand Louvre

Collective work
Eleven captivating and sumptuously illustrated adventures at the Louvre take readers through the history of France as...