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Detailed description :Sur les traces de Napoléon

Sur les traces de Napoléon

Author(s): Jean-Michel  Dequeker-Fergon

Illustrated by James Prunier

€ 10.15 tax included

“Abukir’s victory wiped away all of our setbacks in one clean sweep, and Kleber embraced Bonaparte as he exclaimed, ‘General, you are as great as the entire world, but the world is too small a place for you!’” The ten chapters of this book tell of the adventures of Napoleon through the dialogue of two privileged witnesses, one French and the other British, his dazzling rise, his almighty power, his stunning victories and equally spectacular defeats…


Sur les traces de

Technical details

128 pages, paperback, 15.5 x 21 cm, 74 color illustrations

Publication date



19th century
ISBN French
French only


Gallimard jeunesse