Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :L'Égypte ancienne

L'Égypte ancienne

Terre des dieux

Author(s): Sophie Labbé-Toutée

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This book explores the exceptional richness of the ancient Pharaonic civilization that has fascinated young and old since Champollion discovered the secret of the hieroglyphs. Every aspect of this extraordinary culture is studied, from geography and everyday life to the Egyptian view of the world, the gods, and the afterlife.

Most of the works of art that illustrate its pages-statues, jewelry, wall paintings, etc.-are in the Louvre; together with superb contemporary photos and drawn reconstructions, they add to the enjoyment of this delightful book.


L’Histoire au musée

Technical details

48 pages, hardcover, 21.5 x 26 cm, 101 color illustrations

Publication date



Pharaonic Egypt

Suggested age range

Ages 8 and up
ISBN French9782012920774
French only


Hachette jeunesse