Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Favourite Pictures in the Louvre

Favourite Pictures in the Louvre

Photographs by Erich Lessing

€ 13.70 tax included

Featured in large format and in detail, 200 masterpieces of painting, sculpture and the decorative arts from all eras are selected for their appeal to children. Bursting with pictures, this marvelous book is divided into nine themes: children, daily life, games and festivities, occupations, animals, landscapes, portraits, kings, queens and major figures, and stories. Free of all commentary, the works are accompanied only by a legend to create a genuine picture book of art.

Technical details

208 pages in color, hardcover, 15 x 19.5 cm.

Publication date

ISBN French978-2-07061-185-0
ISBN English978-2-07061-553-7




Gallimard jeunesse