Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :First steps at the Louvre

First steps at the Louvre

Author(s): Béatrice Fontanel

€ 16.73 tax included

This book is the chance for young readers to discover the world's largest museum: Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek antiquities, medieval works, Renaissance paintings, the arts of Islam, Romantic painting and much, much more. The first step is to hone the eye through exercises like spotting the Seated Scribe, plunging your gaze into the Venus de Milo's navel, and staring down the Mona Lisa.

Technical details

96 pages

84 illustrations

19 x 23cm

Publication date


Suggested age range

Ages 2 and up
ISBN French978-2-35832-030-6
ISBN English978-2-35832-032-0

