Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Petites histoires du Grand Louvre

Petites histoires du Grand Louvre

Author(s): Catherine  Peugeot, Marie  Sellier

Illustrated by James Prunier

€ 19.80 tax included

Eleven captivating and sumptuously illustrated adventures at the Louvre take readers through the history of France as they visit the royal palace. From the dungeons of king Philippe Auguste’s fortress to behind the scenes of the great museum today, young readers are swept away by lively and daring heroes to explore the Louvre through the ages. Superb historical pages, filled with documents and period paintings, explain each story and provide a fascinating panorama of the history of the Louvre and its inhabitants.

Technical details

128 pages, hardcover, 22.5 x 26.5 cm, 56 color photographs and 51 color drawings.

Publication date

ISBN French
French only


Gallimard jeunesse