Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Tout un Louvre

Tout un Louvre

Author(s): Katy  Couprie, Antonin  Louchard

€ 17.80 tax included

The authors embark on a joyous and unbridled exploration of one of the biggest museums in the world. Paintings, sculptures, etchings, photography and collage, classical and contemporary works of art are playfully alternated with innovative and imaginative drawings, to guide young readers off the beaten track of art and give them a colorful vision of the world steeped in imagination and emotion. Highly recommended by children’s booksellers!

Technical details

256 pages illustrated in color, paperback, 15 x 15 cm.

Publication date


Suggested age range

Ages 2 and up
ISBN French
French only


Thierry Magnier