Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Tales and other illustrated stories

Princes et princesses du Louvre

Princes et princesses du Louvre

Frédéric Morvan, Louise Heugel
What if the princes and princesses, so often represented in history by artists, could speak and tell us their own...

Un petit moins en plus

Un petit moins en plus

Meunier, Henri
The Venus de Milo has not really lost her arms! They are hidden at the Louvre... and determined to stay that way! They...
L’inconnue du Louvre

L’inconnue du Louvre

Emmanuelle et Benoît de Saint Chamas
Germaine, the little Parisian concierge, received a very mysterious letter that day. Set off to discover the Louvre!