Musée du Louvre Editions

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Tales and other illustrated stories

Miss Lisa

Miss Lisa

Collective work
A truly novel approach to the masterpiece. Mademoiselle Lisa was a decent young lady with a good job. But she was...
Le loup du Louvre

Le loup du Louvre

Anne Letuffe
A little girl runs into a wolf in the museum galleries. Between games of hide-and-seek and initiatory quests, they...

Victoire s’entête

Victoire s’entête

Claire Cantais
A princess has lost her head and will give her heart to whoever helps her find it. Then comes a parade of...
Ali Baba

Ali Baba

Rachel Beaujean-Deschamps
Ali Baba lived a very modest life until the day he discovered the secret of the forty thieves: a cave filled with gold...

L’Arche de Noé

L’Arche de Noé

Céline Monier
Before destroying the world with a flood, God had Noah build an ark to save his family and a pair of each kind of...
Quatre Amis

Quatre Amis

Rachel Beaujean-Deschamps
Lion, the king of animals, summoned all of his subjects to resolve the conflict between Phoenix and Dragon. To show...

Roland à Roncevaux

Roland à Roncevaux

Charlotte Censoir
King Charlemagne was a great conqueror. Two courageous knights accompanied him in his fight against the Saracens:...
La boîte de Pandore

La boîte de Pandore

Viviane Koenig
Prometheus stole the sacred fire to give it to mortal man. To seek his revenge, Zeus created Pandora, a marvelous...