Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Rohan au Louvre

Rohan au Louvre

Author(s): Hirohiko Araki

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Rohan is a young student who dreams of becoming a mangaka. His life changes the day he meets a young woman who introduces him to the world of art. She tells him about sculpture, music, and painting - particularly a "cursed painting" by a Japanese artist long ago acquired by a curator at the Louvre. Then the young woman suddenly disappears.

Ten years later, Rohan, now a mangaka, decides to conduct his own investigation at the Louvre to find the painting that just might lead him to the young woman. But he discovers strange phenomena: does approaching the painting mean death? What does it represent? What is its secret?


Rohan at the Louvre is the first manga in the comic-art collection published by Musée du Louvre Editions.

Technical details

128 pages in color, hardcover, 20 x 29 cm

Distributed by: Sodis

Publication date

ISBN French978-2-75480-362-5
French only

