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Detailed description :Découvrir des chefs-d'oeuvre du Louvre

Découvrir des chefs-d'oeuvre du Louvre

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In 2008, art history was introduced as a subject into the French primary school syllabus.

Faithful to its public service mission that consists in particular in promoting the teaching of art through its collections, the Musée du Louvre has joined forces with the publisher Hatier to produce a teaching kit.


For 3rd-5th grade primary school teachers, the joint publishers have produced a collection entitled "L'histoire des arts à l'école" (Art history at school) composed of multimedia teaching resources. The first kit, published in 2010, is entitled "Découvrir des chefs-d'œuvre du Louvre" (Discover the Louvre's masterpieces). Two other kits are planned for 2011.

These kits provide:

- 1 teacher's guide (128 pages) with a document file and 6 to 10 suggestions per artwork for activities to be conducted in class;

- 10 posters of 10 masterpieces (format 40 x 60) for display in the classroom;

- 4 series of 30 cards (format A5) reproducing the masterpieces and other works for the group activities proposed in the teacher's guide;

- 1 CD-ROM containing all the works (posters and cards), for printing or video-projection, relevant diagrams, text files and museum visit guide.

Technical details

Découvrir des chefs-d'œuvre du Louvre (Discover the Louvre's masterpieces)

"L'histoire des arts à l'école" (Art history at school) collection, joint publication Musée du Louvre/Hatier, collective work, box format 42 x 32


The teaching kits are produced with the support of The Annenberg Foundation.

Publication date

ISBN French327-7-45009-348-8
French only