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Detailed description :Le Prêteur et sa femme de Quentin Metsys

Le Prêteur et sa femme de Quentin Metsys

Author(s): Emmanuelle  Revel

€ 14.48 tax included

Le Prêteur et sa femme (The Moneylender and his Wife) by Quentin Metsys proposes a study of a painting from the Northern Renaissance schools. The monographic approach to this genre scene, set against the backdrop of a religious allegory, is complemented by a suggested themed itinerary through the rooms based on the scale, the mirror, and vanity.


Arrêt sur œuvre

Technical details

104 pages, paperback with flaps, 21 x 27.5 cm, 35 color and 80 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date



15th-16th centuries
ISBN French2-7118-3354-2
French only