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Detailed description :Albrecht Altdorfer

Albrecht Altdorfer

Maître de la Renaissance allemande

Author(s): Hélène  Grollemund, Olivia Savatier Sjöholm, Séverine Lepape

€ 39.00 tax included


Contributions de : Lorenz Baibl, Victoria Fernandez Massaguer, Hélène Grollemund, Daniel Hess, Stefan Kemperdick,  Heidrun Lange-Krach, Séverine Lepape, Guido Messling, Christof Metzger, Anne-Sophie Pellé, Olivia Savatier Sjöholm, Susanne Thürigen, Matthias Weniger et Julia Zaunbauer.





Technical details

384 pages, hardcover, 24,6 x 28 cm, 275 illustrations.


Publication date


Related event

Catalog of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from May 20 to August 17, 2020.





15th-16th centuries
ISBN French978-2-35906-312-7
French only