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Detailed description :De Delacroix à Matisse

De Delacroix à Matisse

Dessins français du musée des Beaux-Arts d’Alger

Author(s): Nathalie  Coural, Dalila  Mahammed-Orfali, Arlette  Sérullaz

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Inaugurated in 1930, the Museum of Fine Arts in Algiers was originally designed to present a vast panorama of French art from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Established in 1949, the Cabinet des Estampes was quickly enriched through major donations and bequests, and a strong acquisitions policy.

The first study of the most important sheets in the museum’s graphics collections, this book gives preference to artists having worked in North Africa, as well as the major figures of modern French drawing, such as Chassériau, Dehodencq, Delacroix, Degas, Derain, Puvis de Chavannes and Matisse.

Technical details

120 pages, hardcover, 25 x 28 cm, 70 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Book published as part of “Djazaïr, 2003, Year of Algeria in France”.


19th-20th centuries
ISBN French2-85056-708-6
French only

