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Detailed description :Dessins italiens du musée du Louvre. Battista Franco vers 1510 - 1561

Dessins italiens du musée du Louvre. Battista Franco vers 1510 - 1561

Author(s): Anne Varick Lauder

€ 95.00 tax included

The artistic goal of 16th-century Venetian artist Battista Franco was the clarity and perfection of drawing. His extraordinarily delicate work, developed with the curiosity of an archaeologist, was inspired by many models and garnered praise from critics and artists alike (from Aretino to Palladio). The Louvre owns some splendid examples of these subtle drawings that have always been much sought after by collectors; this exhibition presents them to the public for the first time in all their splendor.

Technical details

352 pages, 20.7 x 27 cm, 170 illustrations

Distribution: Vilo




Further information

Cet ovrage est réalisé grâce au soutien du groupe papetier Arjowiggins et de Bernard Lee Schwartz Foundation.

Publication date


Related event

From November 25, 2009 to February 22, 2010

Italian drawings in the Musée du Louvre

Battista Franco, circa 1510-1561


16th century
ISBN French978-2-35031-260
French only


Officina Libraria