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Detailed description :From Poussin to David: French Masters Drawings from the Louvre

From Poussin to David: French Masters Drawings from the Louvre

Author(s): Véronique  Goarin, Christophe  Leribault, Jean-François  Méjanès, Catherine  Scheck

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Some of the artists in this book include Jacques Callot, Claude Vignon, Nicolas Poussin, Claude Gellée known as Lorrain, Simon Vouet, Laurent de La Hyre, Eustache Le Sueur, Pierre Patel the Elder, Sébastien Bourdon, Charles Le Brun, Charles de La Fosse, Antoine Coypel, Louis de Boullogne, Jean Jouvenet, François Lemoyne, Claude Gillot, Antoine Watteau, Jean Restout, François Boucher, Nicolas Vleughels, Lagrenée the Elder, Fragonard, Jean-Baptiste Chardin, Alexandre-François Desportes, Jean-Baptiste Oudry, Hubert Robert, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, La Traverse, Carle Vanloo, Lagrenée the Younger and Jacques Louis David. Certain sheets were chosen according to works by the same artists held at the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts.

Technical details

Bilingual English/Hungarian edition.

Publication date


Related event

Bilingual Hungarian/English catalogue published for the Budapest Fine Arts Museum, which presented from February 21 to May 12, 2008 a selection of the Musée du Louvre’s drawings from the 16th to 18th century.


17th-19th centuries
ISBN French
ISBN Hungarian978-2-35031-170-8




Officina Libraria