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Detailed description :Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, 1724-1780

Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, 1724-1780

Author(s): Colin B.  Bailey, Kim  Beaumont (de), Christophe  Leribault, Suzanne  Folds McCullagh, Pierre  Rosenberg, Marie-Catherine  Sahut, Perrin  Stein

€ 39.90 tax included

An ingenious draughtsman, brilliant and original engraver, as well as an extraordinary chronicler in the capital during the golden age of the Enlightenment, Gabriel de Saint-Aubin was never without a pencil in hand, continuously sketching everything he saw around him. This catalogue, featuring 80 of his most successful and luminous works, admirably manages to cover all aspects of the unique artist’s massive production.

In collaboration with the Frick Collection (New York).

Technical details

320 pages, paperback, 24.6 x 28 cm, 347 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from February 21 to May 26, 2008.


18th century
ISBN French978-2-75720-109-1
ISBN English978-2-75720-110-7



