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Detailed description :Carnets d'Egypte

Carnets d'Egypte

Author(s): William Kentridge

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Driven by his long-standing interest in Ancient Egypt, William Kentridge began exploring its iconography in 2004 for the set design of Mozart's The Enchanted Flute. The artist draws on a variety of references from Shelley to Hegel and Napoleon's campaigns in the late 18th century. The drawings and books used in his films are echoed in the drawings of artists and travelers.
William Kentridge upholds an artistic tradition that dates back to the ancient masters. The dark world of his Drawings for Projection is reminiscent of the Disasters of War prints by Francisco de Goya. When asked about his sources of inspiration, William Kentridge cites masterpieces in art history: Lamentation of Christ by Andrea Mantegna and Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix. Egyptian artworks have long served to fuel his imagination. Carnets d'Egypte provides an opportunity to compare the artist's work with his sources of inspiration.

Technical details

80 pages

Hardcover, 23 x 17 cm

87 illustrations

Publication date



Contemporary art
ISBN French978-2-91627-584-0
ISBN English978-2-91627-585-7

