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Detailed description :Contrepoint. L'art contemporain russe de l'icône à l'avant-garde en passant par le musée.

Contrepoint. L'art contemporain russe de l'icône à l'avant-garde en passant par le musée.

Author(s): Marie-Laure  Bernadac, Irina Gorlova, Michael Mindlin

€ 13.00 tax included

In the wake of the exhibition Holy Russia, Russian Art from the Beginnings to Peter the Great, the Musée du Louvre wished to draw a portrait of contemporary Russian creation, still little-known in France, by exhibiting the works of around fifteen artists from a variety of generations and movements.

Technical details

22 x 28.5 cm, cardboard cover, 80 pages, 40 illustrations.

Bilingual French/Russian edition.


This book was made possible through the generosity of the Stella Art Foundation.

Publication date


Related event

This book accompanies the exhibition held at the museum from October 14, 2010 to January 31, 2011.


"Counterpoint, Contemporary Russian Art" is part of the Year of Russia celebrations organized by CultureFrance.


Contemporary art
ISBN French978-2-84278-793-6