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Detailed description :Jan Fabre au Louvre

Jan Fabre au Louvre

L'ange de la métamorphose

Author(s): Marie-Laure  Bernadac, Paul  Huvenne, Eckhard  Schneider

€ 45.70 tax included

The Musée du Louvre continues to pursue its policy of openness to contemporary art and living artists by extending an invitation in spring 2008 to Jan Fabre, a provocative artist from Antwerp. Within the galleries devoted to the paintings of the Northern schools, visitors are encouraged to rediscover celebrated works by masters such as van Eyck, van der Weyden, Bosch, Metsys, and Rubens through the eyes of this artist. The itinerary proposed by Jan Fabre through the museum’s collections may be perceived as a “mental drama” featuring the major elements of his own life work and those of the old masters. This book paints an original portrait of one of the major artists on the contemporary scene.

Technical details

240 pages, 230 x 287 format, 180 illustrations.

Publication date



Contemporary art
ISBN French978-2-07012-154-0
French only