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Detailed description :De l’esclave à l’empereur

De l’esclave à l’empereur

L’art romain dans les collections du musée du Louvre

Under the direction of Cécile  Giroire, Daniel  Roger

€ 35.50 tax included

As part of an exchange agreement between the museums of Arles and the Louvre, this Roman art exhibition, currently on tour in the United States, will make its final stop in Europe, in Arles. Boasting nearly 200 exceptional objects, the exhibition sheds new light on the Musée du Louvre’s Roman collection. The catalogue provides a panorama and accurate presentation of Roman art through the Louvre collections.


Histoire des collections du musée du Louvre

Technical details

22 x 28 cm, 304 pages, 250 illustrations.


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Musée


Ancient Rome
ISBN French
French only