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Detailed description :De Pompéi à Malmaison, les antiques de Joséphine

De Pompéi à Malmaison, les antiques de Joséphine

Under the direction of Martine  Denoyelle, Sophie  Descamps-Lequime

Contributions by Catherine  Bastien, Martine  Denoyelle, Sophie  Descamps-Lequime, Marc  Étienne, Françoise  Gaultier, Corinne  Jouys-Barbelin, Jean-Luc  Martinez, Daniel  Roger, Isabel Bonora-Andujar, Bernard Chevallier, ludovic Laugier, Sophie Marmois, Céline Meunier

€ 39.00 tax included

Bonaparte’s wife chose her private residence, the Château de Malmaison, to assemble one of the finest antique collections of the time. The some 300 works include Greek vases, bronzes, mural paintings from Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as sculptures and Egyptian mummies.


Histoire des collections du musée du Louvre

Technical details

22 x 28 cm, 264 pages, 270 illustrations.


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic.

Publication date


Related event

départemental de l’Arles antique from December 20, 2008 to May 3, 2009.


Ancient Rome
ISBN French
French only