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Detailed description :La Collection La Caze

La Collection La Caze

Chefs-d’œuvre des peintures des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles du musée du Louvre

Under the direction of Sophie  Eloy, Guillaume  Faroult

Contributions by Guillaume  Ambroise, Thierry Bajou, Sylvie Béguin, Carole Blumenfeld, Laetitia Bolle, Claire Constans, Marie-Martine Dubreuil, Blaise  Ducos, Élisabeth  Foucart-Walter, Jean  Habert, Jo Hedley, Stéphane Loire, Lucia Martinez, Olivier Meslay, Vincent  Pomarède, Pierre  Rosenberg, Violène Verduron

€ 45.65 tax included

Bequeathed to the State in 1869, the collection of Dr Louis La Caze (1798-1869) is undoubtedly the finest set of old paintings the Louvre has ever received. La Caze stood out at the time by both the scope of his generosity and the humility of his approach. Contemporaries and art historians alike emphasized the quality, coherence and audacity of the collector’s choices.

Art lovers will find the Louvre’s finest 18th-century paintings in this book, as well as Rembrandt’s Bathsheba, Frans Hals’s Bohemian Girl and Ribera’s Boy with Club-foot.


Histoire des collections du musée du Louvre

Technical details

288 pages, paperback, 20 x 27 cm, 250 illustrations in a color book. 1 CD-ROM comprising the full collection, i.e. 584 entries along with their reproduction and a history.

Publication date


Related event

This book accompanies the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from April 26 to July 9, 2007: “1869: Watteau, Chardin… join the Louvre. The La Caze collection.”


17th-18th centuries
ISBN French
French only

