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Detailed description :« Les Portes du Ciel »

« Les Portes du Ciel »

Visions du monde dans l’Égypte ancienne

Under the direction of Marc  Étienne

€ 39.90 tax included


The ancient Egyptian expression "the Gates of Heaven" (Les Portes du Ciel) referred to the doors of a temple containing the statue of a deity-a symbolic passageway from the secular to the sacred world... With this exhibition, the Louvre invites visitors into the world of Egyptian mythology.

The "Gates of Heaven. Visions of the World in Ancient Egypt" exhibition features some three hundred exhibits spanning three millennia from the Old Kingdom to the Roman Period, and sets them in the social, religious, and artistic context in which they once served as links between the earthly and the divine.


Technical details

352 pages, paperback, 23 x 30 cm, 350 illustrations.


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic.


Publication date



Ancient Egypt
ISBN French
French only

