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Detailed description :Comme le rêve le dessin

Comme le rêve le dessin

Dessins italiens des XVIe et XVIIe siècles du musée du Louvre

Under the direction of Philippe-Alain  Michaud

Texts by Dominique  Cordellier, Jean-Pierre Criqui , Philippe-Alain  Michaud

€ 30.00 tax included

“Comme le rêve le dessin”, as is dreaming so is drawing, transposed from the famous saying Ut pictura poesis, is a play on words, but its meaning is explicit: it is not a matter of showing images of dreams as set out by the history of drawing, but rather to use the notion of dream-work, particularly developed by psychoanalytical literature, to explore the work of drawings. Exhibited outside of their setting and subjected to original confrontations, contemporary drawings, old sketches and moving images arouse the same feeling of strangeness as the images of dreams.

Technical details

184 pages, paperback with flaps, 20 x 24 cm, 82 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held jointly at the Centre Georges-Pompidou and the Musée du Louvre from February 17 to May 16, 2005.


16th-17th centuries
ISBN French
French only


Centre Georges-Pompidou