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Detailed description :From Cordoba to Samarqand

From Cordoba to Samarqand

Under the direction of Sabiha  Al Khémir

€ 42.00 tax included

The new Museum of Islamic Art in Doha (Qatar) will house several thousand works and masterpieces of Islamic art from the 7th century to the present. The Musée du Louvre reveals some of its secrets with this foretaste of several masterpieces of ceramics, gold and silverwork, and manuscripts from a variety of representative periods in the “arts of Islam”. The catalogue presents a history of the creation of the Doha collection, as well as unpublished interviews with the architects chosen for the design of the new museum, Ieoh Ming Pei and Jean-Michel Wilmotte. Interviews with Ieoh Ming Pei and Jean-Michel Wilmotte by Philip Jodidio.

Technical details

224 pages, hardcover, 24 x 28.5 cm, 90 color illustrations.

Trilingual French/English/Arabic edition.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from March 27 to June 26, 2006.


ISBN French


