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Detailed description :Méroé


Un empire sur le Nil

Author(s): Michel Baud, Marie-Dominique Nenna, Geneviève  Pierrat-Bonnefois, Dietrich Wildung, Alessandro Roccati, Dominique Valbelle, Julie Renée Anderson, Charles Bonnet, Marie Evina, Vincent Francigny, Coralie Gradel, Krzystof Grzymski, Philippe Mainterot, Claudia Naser, Hans-Ulrich Onasch, Claude Rilly, Vincent Rondot, Aminata Sackho-Autissier, Mohamed Ahmed Salad Ed-Din, Cyril Thiaudyere, Laszlo Török, Simone Wolf, Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, Karla Kroeper, Pawel Wolf

Under the direction of Michel Baud

€ 40.00 tax included

The first exhibition devoted exclusively to Meroe, a kingdom of the ancient Sudan known for its legendary capital and the pyramids of its famous necropolis, endeavors to present a majestic and enigmatic civilization that developed on the banks of the Nile between 270 BC and AD 350. Cultural heir to Pharaonic Egypt, caught up in the Eastern Mediterranean trade networks, this kingdom is an example of a successful cultural amalgam that nevertheless retained its African identity.

Two hundred artifacts will be exhibited at the Musée du Louvre, including treasures from the Louvre and other museums of international renown, along with a hundred or so artifacts from the national museum of Sudan in Khartoum, specially restored for the occasion: glassware, faience and earthenware, jewelry, sculptures, relief work, and seals. Such an exhibition was made possible in the light of further knowledge gained on this kingdom through recent digs carried out by the Louvre in Sudan.


The accompanying catalog, beautifully illustrated and written by the top specialists in the field, also serves as a reference book on the subject and the first of its kind in French.



1. Discovering Meroe: from ancient authors to archaeologists

2. History and identity of an African empire

3. Meroitic civilization: the material aspects of a culture

4. The writing and language of Meroe

5. The Meroitic royalty

6. City, temple, and palace

7. Necropolises, tombs, and beyond

8. The gods of Meroe

9. Conclusion - The end of Meroe

Technical details

288 pages, paperback with flaps, 21 x 28 cm, 380 illustrations

Distributed by: Vilo


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins.

Related event

Catalog of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from March 26 to September 6, 2010.

ISBN French978-8-88985-450-1
French only