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Detailed description :Miquel Barceló
La Divine Comédie

Miquel Barceló
La Divine Comédie

Author(s): Marie-Laure  Bernadac, Germain  Viatte

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Between 2000 and 2002, Spanish painter Miquel Barceló produced over 300 drawings illustrating Dante’s Divine Comedy. This book analyzes the artist’s accompanying illustrations for Dante’s epic poem. An interview with Miquel Barceló provides insight into his methods and how he reacted to both the commission and the poet’s narrative.

Interview with Miquel Barceló.

Technical details

24 pages, stapled, 14.7 x 21 cm, 45 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Brochure published for “The Divine Comedy. Drawings by Miquel Barceló” exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from April 9 to July 5, 2004.


Contemporary art
ISBN French
French only