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Detailed description :Royaumes oubliés

Royaumes oubliés

De l'empire hittite aux Araméens

Author(s): Vincent Blanchard

€ 49.00 tax included


Contributions de : Michel Al Maqdissi, Sanna Aro-Valjus, Christophe Barbotin, Dominique Beyer, Vincent Blanchard, Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Nadja Cholidis, Sophie Cluzan, Timothy Harrison, Alexandre Houdas, Éric Jean, Hélène Le Meaux, John Lund, Nicolò Marchetti, Lutz Martin, Alice Mouton, Mirko Novak, Véronique Pataï, Andreas Schachner, Aline Tenu, Ariane Thomas, Jonathan Tubb, Wartke et  Ralf-Bernhard.




Technical details

504 pages, hardcover, 24.5 x 28.5 cm

450 illustrations


Publication date


Related event

Catalog of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from May 2 to August 12, 2019.


Near eastern antiquities
ISBN French978-2-35906-274-8
French only