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Detailed description :Sainte Russie

Sainte Russie

Russian art from the beginnings to Peter the Great

Under the direction of Jannic  Durand, Dorota  Giovannoni, Ioanna Rapti, Renata Clavien

€ 49.00 tax included

This book retraces 1,000 years of Russian history from its Christianization in the late 10th century to the reign of Peter the Great in the first quarter of the 18th century.

Beginning with the emergence of "Russians" in Latin and Byzantine history, and the rivalries and power struggles between Latins, Vikings, Byzantines, and Caucasians, followed by the early conversions in the late 10th century, the book strives to demonstrate how Russia became Christian and borrowed the ecclesiastic model from Constantinople.

The sumptuous "Holy Russia" exhibition presents more than 400 works primarily from a number of museums and libraries in Russia, exhibited for the first time in France, and shows that Russian art, heir to Byzantium, had entered the political and religious history of Europe long before the reign of Peter the Great.

Technical details

744 pages, 620 illustrations, hardcover with dust jacket, 24.6 x 30 cm

Distributed by: UD

This catalog benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic and the AG2R La Mondiale insurance company.

Further information

Ce catalogue bénéficie du soutien du groupe papetier Arjowiggins Graphic et du Groupe AG2R La Mondiale.

Related event

Catalog of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from March 5 to May 24, 2010.

ISBN French978-2-75720-336-1
French only

