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Trends, styles, techniques

L'Antiquité rêvée

L'Antiquité rêvée

Innovations et résistances au XVIIIe siècle

Sous la direction de Guillaume Faroult, Christophe...
While eighteenth-century art is often perceived as a progressive move from a taste for the lightness of rococo to the...

L'Antiquité rêvée - album

L'Antiquité rêvée - album

Album de l'exposition

Guillaume Faroult, Christophe Leribault et Guilhem Scherf.
This richly illustrated album is ideal as a quick and effective source of information on the exhibition. It also makes...
Musées de papier

Musées de papier

L'Antiquité en livres. 1600 - 1800.

Sous la direction d'Elisabeth Décultot
The extremely prolific antiquarian work accomplished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played a determining...

À la cour du Grand Turc

À la cour du Grand Turc

Caftans du palais de Topkapi

Sous la direction de Charlotte Maury
With this exhibition of kaftans, jewelry and accessories once belonging to members of the Ottoman royal household, the...
Les Premiers retables
XIIe-début du XVe siècle

Les Premiers retables XIIe-début du XVe siècle

Une mise en scène du sacré

Collective work
A core element of the Christian worship context, the altarpiece first appeared in the High Middle Ages. Originally an...

Bronzes français

Bronzes français

De la Renaissance au siècle des Lumières

Collective work
Highly appreciated by French sculptors in the 16th century, bronze illustrates the main themes developed in the history...


Vienne et Prague 1815-1830

Collective work
The Biedermeier style developed in the Austrian Empire during the “Metternich era” (1815-1848), a period of...