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Detailed description :American Encounters IV

American Encounters IV

The simple pleasures of still life

Author(s): Blaise  Ducos, Guillaume  Faroult, Peter John Brownlee, Stephanie Mayer Heydt, Aaron W. Jones, Eleanore Neumann, Kimberly Schrimsher, Manuela Well-Off-Man

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This book is the fourth in a series published to accompany a sequence of four special exhibitions co-organized by Cristal Bridges Museum of AMerican Art, the High Museum of Art, the Musée du Louvre, and the Terra Foundation for American Art.

Technical details

64 pages, paperback with flaps, 14 × 21 cm, 23 illustrations.

French and english versions.


Publication date


Related event

Catalogue de l'exposition présentée au musée du Louvre du 5 février au 27 avril 2015.


19th century
ISBN French978-0-692-29139-9
ISBN English978-0-692-29138-2
