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Detailed description :Bronzes français

Bronzes français

De la Renaissance au siècle des Lumières

Under the direction of Geneviève  Bresc-Bautier, Guilhem  Scherf

Contributions by Geneviève  Bresc-Bautier, Guilhem  Scherf, Regina Seelig-Teuwen, Ian Wardropper, James David Draper, Jane Bassett, Christian Baulez, Francesca G. Bewer, David Bourgarit, Odile Fouchy-Le-Bras, Françoise La Moureyre (de), Mary L.Levkoff, Alexandre Maral, Jonathan Marsden, Martina Minning, Jean Vittet, Jean-Marie Welter, Robert Wenley

€ 39.00 tax included

Highly appreciated by French sculptors in the 16th century, bronze illustrates the main themes developed in the history of French sculpture: portraits, tomb decoration, statuettes for collectors, royal and public monuments, garden statuary, reductions, etc. The major artists from the 16th to 18th centuries – Primaticcio, Goujon, Pilon, Prieur, Le Lorrain, Anguier, Girardon, Puget, Pigalle, Houdon – have been chosen to represent French bronze, which is not as well known as Italian or Germanic bronze.

In 2009, the exhibition will travel to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Technical details

23 x 30 cm, 520 pages, 600 illustrations.


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins Graphic.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from October 24, 2008 to January 19, 2009.


16th-17th centuries
ISBN French
ISBN English
French only