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Detailed description :Chefs-d’œuvre islamiques de l’Aga Khan Museum

Chefs-d’œuvre islamiques de l’Aga Khan Museum

Under the direction of Sophie  Makariou

Contributions by Monique Buresi, Sheila R.  Canby, Annabelle Collinet, Carine Juvin, Marie Lamaa, Sophie  Makariou, Charlotte Maury, Anne Regourd, Leng  Tan

€ 32.00 tax included

This book was published for the exhibit of works from the permanent collection of the future Aga Khan Museum in Toronto. Unveiling a unique collection of works of Islamic art, it reveals something previously unknown: the Islamic world’s admiration for creations hailing from Europe and China.

In addition to Safavid ceramics, Persian miniatures and bronze productions, this prestigious collection also contains pages of the Koran demonstrating the Shi’ite art of calligraphy.

Technical details

224 pages, paperback with flaps, 22 x 28 cm, 80 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre from October 5, 2007 to January 7, 2008.


ISBN French978-8-87439-442-5
French only