Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :L'Antiquité rêvée - album

L'Antiquité rêvée - album

Album de l'exposition

Author(s): Guillaume  Faroult, Christophe  Leribault, Guilhem  Scherf

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This richly illustrated album is ideal as a quick and effective source of information on the exhibition. It also makes a comprehensive souvenir in pictures of your visit.

Technical details

23 x 28.5 cm, 48 pages, approx. 40 illustrations.

Distributed by Sodis

Publication date


Related event

This album accompanies the exhibition held at the museum from December 2, 2010 to February 14, 2011.


18th century
ISBN French978-2-07013-141-9
ISBN Italian978-2-07013-266-9

