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Detailed description :Les Premiers retables
XIIe-début du XVe siècle

Les Premiers retables XIIe-début du XVe siècle

Une mise en scène du sacré

Under the direction of Pierre-Yves  Le Pogam

With the collaboration of Christine Vivet-Peclet

Contributions by Élisabeth  Antoine-König, Françoise  Baron, Jannic  Durand, Sophie  Guillot de Suduiraut, Pierre-Yves  Le Pogam, Christine Vivet-Peclet

€ 39.00 tax included


A core element of the Christian worship context, the altarpiece first appeared in the High Middle Ages. Originally an elongated rectangular panel, it involved the use of the most varied materials and techniques, including gold and silver work, sculpture in stone, marble, alabaster, wood and ivory, and painted stone and wood. This book retraces the history and evolution of the altarpiece from its beginnings up to the fifteenth century, and highlights France's role in its development. Also offering a complete inventory of surviving examples in France, this is the work of reference on the subject and as such indispensable to specialists and amateurs alike. 

Technical details

286 pages, bound, 28.5 x 25.4 cm

300 color illustrations

Publication date



Cet ouvrage a été réalisé grâce au soutien du groupe papetier Arjowiggins

Related event

Catalog of the exhibition held at the Musée du Louvre, April 8 -July 6, 2009


13th-15th centuries
ISBN French
French only



Officina Libraria