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Detailed description :Au cœur de La Joconde

Au cœur de La Joconde

Léonard de Vinci décodé

Under the direction of Jean-Pierre Mohen, Michel Menu, Bruno Mottin

Contributions by Cécile  Scailliérez, Geneviève Aitken, Olivier Arnould, J.-Angelo Beraldin, François Blais, Louis Borgeat, Fabrice Brémand, Regina da Costa Pinto Dias Moreira, Luc Cournoyer, Paolo Dionisi Vici, Pascal Doumalin, Jean-Christophe Dupré, Guillaume Dupuis, David Dureisseix, Guy Godin, Joseph Gril, Franck Hesser, D. Jaunard, Christian Lahanier, Elsa Lambert, Béatrice Lauwick, Eric Laval, Patrick Mandron, Elisabeth Martin, Sandrine Pagès-Camagna, Patrick Perré, Michel Picard, Elisabeth Ravaud, Romain Rémond, Jean-Paul Rioux, Marc Rioux, John Taylor, Luca Uzielli, Valéry Valle, Nathalie Volle, Philippe Walter

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We never seem to tire of gazing at the Mona Lisa, which has become the most famous painting in the world. Plans to move it to a new setting in the Salle des États in the spring of 2005 provided the perfect opportunity to benefit from new laboratory equipment and researchers’ heightened experience to gain a better understanding of the painting. This original approach to the Mona Lisa using scientific imaging methods made it possible to explore hidden aspects of the masterpiece.

Through pages abundantly illustrated with original photographs and graphic data, readers will discover the unique genius of this humanist painter-thinker, one of the greatest masters of the Renaissance.

Technical details

128 pages, half-cloth hardcover, 35 x 40 cm, 248 color illustrations.

Publication date



15th-16th centuries
ISBN French
French only

