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Detailed description :Giulio Romano et Raphaël
La Vice-reine de Naples

Giulio Romano et Raphaël
La Vice-reine de Naples

Author(s): Michael P.  Fritz

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While restoring this beautiful woman to her true identity, the author conducts both historical and conceptual research on the collaborative portrait that was painted by the young Giulio Romano and his master Raphael, and given as a gift from Cardinal Bibbiena to the king of France, François I. The study of this portrait of the vicereine of Naples in 1518 gives readers a vast panorama of certain historical episodes of the Renaissance, as well as the tastes and morals of the time.



Technical details

64 pages, paperback with flaps, 14 x 21.5 cm, 44 color and black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date



15th-16th centuries
ISBN French2-7118-3510-3
French only
Sold out


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