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Detailed description :Ingres
Monsieur Bertin

Ingres Monsieur Bertin

Author(s): Daniel  Ternois

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Louis-François Bertin (1766-1841), also known as Bertin l’Aîné (Bertin the Elder), was director of the Journal des débats as from 1799. With his effigy, Ingres created the archetype of the triumphant bourgeoisie, conveying a sense of power. Monsieur Bertin holds a unique place in the history of 19th-century portraiture and in Ingres’s artistic career. Through rich documentation and detailed analysis, the author helps readers understand the profound meaning of one of the Musée du Louvre’s most popular masterpieces.



Technical details

64 pages, paperback with flaps, 14 x 21.5 cm, 51 color and black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date



19th century
ISBN French2-7118-3749-1
French only


Réunion des Musées Nationaux