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Detailed description :Alberti


Humaniste, architecte

Under the direction of Françoise Choay, Michel Paoli

Contributions by Françoise Choay, Michel Paoli, Lucia Bertolini, Luca Boschetto, Francesco P. Di Teodoro, Pierre Laurens, Jean-Marc Mandosio, Robert Tavernor, Riccardo Pacciani, Livio Volpi Ghirardini

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Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) is known for being the first to develop a theory of perspective. In addition to his work as an architect and art theorist, Alberti was also a prolific writer, philosopher, engineer and moralist whose thought changed the course of history, for he is traditionally regarded as the first Renaissance Man.

This book provides readers with the most comprehensive summary possible of the work of the “universal genius of the First Renaissance.”

Texts by Alberti published for the first time in French.


D’art en questions

Technical details

288 pages, paperback, 21 x 22 cm, 85 color illustrations.

Publication date



15th century
ISBN French
French only


École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts