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Detailed description :Chassériau (1819-1856)

Chassériau (1819-1856)

Under the direction of Stéphane  Guégan, Louis-Antoine  Prat

Contributions by Peter  Benson Miller, Bruno Foucart, Stéphane  Guégan, Louis-Antoine  Prat, Bruno Chenique, Valérie Goupil, Françoise Mélonio, Sarga Moussa, Christine Peltre, Todd Porterfield, Jonathan Ribner

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Théodore Chassériau (1819-1856) stands out from the rest in the panorama of French art from the first half of the 19th century. Frequently – and too hastily – classified between the pure line of Ingres and the flamboyant palette of Delacroix, his singular art, a strange blend of energy and melancholy, nevertheless clearly distinguished him from his contemporaries. Chassériau is the painter of loss, desire and amorous frustration, hidden feelings and unrequited love.

The presentations in this collection bring out the painter’s distinctive poetics, and place his work at the heart of new lines of questioning.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

360 pages, paperback with flaps, 16 x 24 cm, 145 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on March 16, 2002.


19th century
ISBN French2-11-005257-0
French only


La Documentation française