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Detailed description :Germain Pilon et les sculpteurs français de la Renaissance

Germain Pilon et les sculpteurs français de la Renaissance

Under the direction of Geneviève  Bresc-Bautier

Contributions by Sylvie Béguin, Geneviève  Bresc-Bautier, Jean-René  Gaborit, Michèle Beaulieu, Myriam Chataignère, Nicole Dacos, Thomas Lersch, Mary L. Levkoff, Anthony Radcliffe, Stephen K. Scher, Regina Seelig-Teuwen, Jacques Thirion, Bruno Tollon, Ian Wardropper, Henri Zerner

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Germain Pilon’s mastery of sculptural techniques and the quality of his work as a medalist have made him the emblematic sculptor of 16th-century France. This volume presents studies on the issue of influences, the destiny of the artist’s works and, more generally, the French sculptors of the time. The collection is a major contribution to our knowledge of art at the Valois Court and promotes a greater understanding of the leading role the sculptor played.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

400 pages, paperback, 16 x 24 cm, 101 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on October 26 and 27, 1990.


16th century
ISBN French 2-11-002981-1
French only


La Documentation française